Hope for Moms: Happy!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Sometimes we all get caught up with our busy lives that we tend to forget how beautiful life is. One of the best way to make a difference in someone else's life is by smiling. When you smile, you give others a part of you that is positive and at the same time you are giving yourself the ability to conquer life's difficulties from within. It makes you feel good, makes feel others good & makes the world a better place to live in.

Of course, we cannot force other people to smile back. But the seed of an act of kindness through smiling can make miracles and wonders. Smile everyday, even if your struggling, Smile in the midst of suffering, Smile when others say bad things about you or things are not going your way. It reflects the hope we have and the goodness that we know will come our way.


i suggest for you to play this game which will give you tons of good laugh.



Click here to play this game